Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Strata Meeting 4th October

Minutes of Strata Arts Group Meeting

Held on 4th October 2006

Those present:
Nick Goulding, Keith Roker, Peter Cooper, Karen Delahay, Frances Thackway, Wendy Wharam, Phillipa Sherborne, Shannon Ribbons, John Cull, Freya Boyesen, Robert and Marie Hayward and Lesley Licudi.

Wine and welcome

Matters arising from meeting of 6th September
All matters were on the agenda for discussion.
Website Development
Shannon addressed the meeting to update on progress on the website and the contacts list is now complete along with a mission statement and homepage. He stated that he was short of time and needed someone to take on the day to day maintenance of the site but would be available to give advice and make significant changes. All should look at the site (Strata.org.uk) and give feedback. Shannon suggested that imagery should include photos, art work etc. with a potential for each person contributing to have their own page. It was agreed as policy that members of Strata would include links from their own sites to Strata. Keith stated that the database should be refined and developed, reflecting artists and their work, this is a large but essential piece of work for which funding may need to be sought. Peter is happy to upkeep the blog and said he would feed information to Shannon in weekly chunks to help minimise the amount of work required. Shannon will set up a page for anyone who needs it, members should email all details to Peter or Shannon. All contact details for a main database should be sent to Peter who will liaise with Shannon and Keith. A précis of the minutes could be sent to Peter to post on the blog and the website. Karen will include the newsletter on the site. Members suggested several potential links to the site.
4. Formation of Company
Nick, Karen and Keith updated the group on the meeting held to agree company structure i.e. a company limited by guarantee with charitable aims. Trustees could be Karen Delahay, Matt Wilkinson, Nick Goulding, Paul Angel, with Lesley as Company Secretary. It was agreed on the need for a good solicitor with an understanding of the issues of the group. We are awaiting a response from James Sinclair-Taylor. Keith stressed the importance of defining the objects of the charity and the need for an overview of a professional with a view to reporting back to the Charity Commissioners. Frances said that Purbeck Strings were going through a similar process and that she would liaise with Strata.
5. Project Progress
Carlotta Barrow and Chris Burke sent their apologies and through the chair updated the group on progress with the Wessex Water site Arts Project. Estimates for the work required are being sought. Nick also read out a proposal from Carlotta entitled Durl Stone focussing on stone carving possibilities at Durlston. Sources of funding for various projects were discussed such as the Community Champions Fund and the Arts Council. Phillipa suggested contacting the Russell Cotes Museum and Art Gallery regarding images they hold concerning Purbeck. Nick informed new members of various projects that had been discussed e.g. the link with Southern India. Keith invited Kate Black of Durlston (who joined briefly) to outline progress on the Durlston Castle site. The exact completion date was unclear.
6. Notices
Karen asked for information to be included in the newsletter to be sent to her. She also stressed that Strata was likely to be a main initiative within Swanage and Purbeck over the next five years and was perceived at district level as ‘ ticking the most boxes’!
7. Cultural Olympiad
Peter summarised an important meeting on the Cultural Olympiad held at the Sailing Academy, Portland. The cultural element, including the Arts, will have a very high profile and as Dorset is the only Olympic venue outside of London the impact on the Arts in this area will be enormous. As the trialling of events will begin next year large numbers of visitors will soon be descending. The Arts Council are producing the overall strategy using the Jurassic Coast strategy, any ideas for the Arts are likely to be welcomed and referred to Mike Hoskin through Peter. Brazil and India have been identified as key focus countries for the Olympiad and Wendy Wharam’s India project is ideally positioned. Many more four star beds will be needed and Portland harbour is likely to be developed as a permanent cruise liner port with significant long term tourist implications.
8. Publicity
Karen asked for events to be emailed to her for the newsletter. A newsletter distribution list will be drawn up and copies will be kept in the Quarr Gallery. Karen will also prepare a handout outlining Strata and its work also to be held in the gallery.
9. Future Meetings / Socials
Karen invited members to a film as part of the Purbeck Film Festival at California Farm on the 15th October. The Cellar Bar was suggested by Keith as a suitable venue for future social events. Peter raised the possibility of a Spoken Word Club here in Swanage.
10. Any Other Business
No other business.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 1st November 2006 at 7.30 pm at the Quarr Gallery

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