Thursday, December 14, 2006

Minutes of December Strata Meeting

6 December 2006 at Quarr Gallery, 17 High Street, Swanage


Paul Angel, Carlotta Barrow, Chris Burke, Peter Cooper, Richard Jeffery, Jane Ramsay, Keith Roker, Matt Wilkinson.


Nick Goulding, Lesley Lucidi,

In the absence of Nick Goulding it was agreed that Peter Cooper would chair the meeting.

1. Minutes of previous meeting.

The minutes were accepted.

2. Company formation.

The meeting discussed the options for objects. Richard Jeffery agreed to look for similar organisations to look at their objects. It was agreed to aim for company formation by the end of January.

3. Website development

Shannon had added links to other relevant sites. The meeting discussed ways of developing the site so that members could add material themselves. Funding for the website was discussed. The Community Chest was a possible source. Matt said he was putting pictures on Myspace to which there could be a link.

4 Project Progress


Carlotta told the meeting that the town council unanimously supported the project to put up information points with paintings of the locality. A subgroup with Cllrs. Bartlett, Bright and Hadley was formed. Community Champions were likely to make a grant of £1600. She had discussed the project with the PDC planning department who were concerned at the possible visual intrusion and had suggested a single board combined with a recording accessible by phone and a leaflet. The meeting discussed this but it was felt it would be inadequate. Matt, Paul and Richard agreed to become involved. The meeting noted their thanks to Carlotta for progressing the project.


Matt told the meeting that he was intending to have a shop at King George's filed. It would be situated on the car park area. It would sell circus and fire equipment and skate and roller blading equipment. There was to be a graffiti project with a monthly competition.
Funding was needed for equipment for the circus skills school. Funding had been obtained for a digital recording studio at the youth and community centre.


Richard said that Antonia had a Community champions award for a portable mural project with local schools. The mural would be placed around the seafood kiosk at the bottom of the High Street during the winter.


Durlston Castle – Ideas were still needed for Purbeck Arts week and a stone trail.


It was agreed to have a trawl of project people wanted to pursue. Submissions please.


Jurassic Coast Arts Strategy

There is a meeting on 22 February at Lyme Regis. The strategy is now a central plank of the cultural Olympics.

6 Future meetings and events

16 Jan Bar One Open Mic event

Christmas Social

Friday 22 at Bar One. Matt to entertain.

Purbeck Art Week starts 22 May


Date of next meeting

3 January

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