Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Culture in Bournemouth (2)

I know Bournemouth Councillors have a bit of a problem with the idea of Culture. But for a town of its size and importance it's probably something you're going to have to get to grips with. Let me help: Culture is the exchange of ideas and stories about ourselves and the world around. Cultural spaces are places where that exchange can take place. They include galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls and so on. They don't need to be that big or that complex. Lap dance clubs, bars and pubs are not cultural spaces in that they have other primary functions although cultural events may take place within them. I know Bournemouth Councillors would not want to experience the embarrassment and humiliation that occurred for the town with the destruction of the Winter Gardens, The Pier Theatre and the Boscombe Community Arts Centre so if you need help and guidance why not just ask? There are heaps of artists and cultural entrepreneurs in the town.

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