Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Minutes of Strata Meeting 7th March 2007

Those present:
Nick Goulding, Keith Roker, Peter Cooper, Karen Delahay, Carlotta Barrow, Chris Burke, Wendy Wharam, Paul Angel and Lesley Licudi. Apologies from Matt Wilkinson, Sandy Clarke (we wish her success in her new location), Philippa Sherborne and Jane Ramsey.
Wine and welcome
Matters arising from meeting of 7th February
Minutes were available on the website. No matters arising.
Formation of Company
All paperwork regarding Directors, Company Secretary and Treasurer is underway and signatories have been agreed, essential forms have been signed. Keith apologised for the delay, information cannot be easily accessed and the process was much more time consuming than previously thought. It was agreed that Keith would complete the company formation through Company for a fee of £70 who will handle all the administration and legal cover. Membership fees that have already been agreed upon will pay the costs.
Peter emphasised the need for rapid action on this as Strata members who are applying for funding for projects would like to do so within the Strata company status. Karen said that those applying under Strata’s umbrella need to be very clear about charitable status.
Matt and Shannon will develop logos for headed paper, etc.
4. Website Development
Minutes will be available on Peter’s blog. Members should send any information to Peter to be included. Paul reported that development of the structure of the website was likely to be completed fairly soon after development of the Purbeck Art Week website. Paul, Shannon and Richard Jefferies are pooling their skills. He is also researching funding to allow Strata to pay people for their time and expertise rather than rely on volunteer work, Peter agreed and said that the Arts Council will expect to see admin costs, etc.
Paul and Karen thought that photos of the artists should be shown next to their work.
Wendy suggested and it was agreed that all arts should be represented on the site. Strata will promote all the arts and events such as Open Mic, dance, theatre, music and these should all be used to establish what Strata is all about.
Nick and Paul discussed ways of getting information out to people, Paul will work with Shannon and Richard on this. Karen will also provide support by emailing information to all.
Peter stressed the need for all to be kept informed of individual applications to avoid conflict and duplication.

5. Project Progress
Carlotta’s Artists Trail project is developing well and has featured in the Advertiser and The Echo. She showed the group a brochure of photos and writing that will be displayed, sites, Chris’s plans and Paul’s computer generated impression of how the displays will look. Chris and Carlotta have written to the Mowlem management submitting the brochure and are awaiting a response. They have funding for three projects, the first of which could be ready for Purbeck Arts Week. Chris said that the Heritage Centre will allow us to display a board but that they are still waiting to hear from Wessex Water. The Artists Trail team were thanked for all their hard work.
Wendy announced that Reghu is coming in April and has many bookings but sadly none in Purbeck. As Reghu will be coming every year and is keen to work in Purbeck Wendy would like him to be a member of Strata. This was agreed enthusiastically. Nick asked about the possibility of Reghu working in local schools including Purbeck View - Wendy will research. Wendy will write an article for local papers mentioning Strata. She will also discuss the possibility of a Spoken Word/Poetry Fair with Peter.
Peter said that the Open Mic sessions have been very successful and he is making many links including the Dorset Literature Network with a view to developing a Spoken Word Festival. Many significant writers and performers live within the area e.g. Elvis McGonagall. There was a general discussion about venues and timing aiming for next autumn or post Xmas, any ideas should be forwarded to Wendy and Peter.
Keith noted the success of the Landcrab Festival at the Mowlem and was struck by the potential for bringing people and significant events to the area using Strata’s resources. He has spoken to the organisers who are keen to develop this.
Peter thought it important to make an impact and suggested a sound launch to establish Strata professionally. Other organisations should be specifically invited with a view to establishing Strata as the lead organisation and gaining official recognition as such.
Paul suggested that the group work together to come up with a strong description of who we are and what we do, no more than 15 words, and all agreed to work on this.
6. Notices
Nick announced that Tara Dominick is running a creative development workshop at California Barn on 27th and 28th April.
Karen also announced a play reading with Tara and Jeremy Paul at California Barn on 31st March at 7.30.
7. Publicity
Wendy reported on a funding workshop that she attended and has sample forms etc available for anybody interested in applying for grants. This was handed to Karen as Treasurer, many thanks to Wendy.
Peter again stressed the importance of the Cultural Olympics as an opportunity for attracting “big art and big money”. Destination projects are needed urgently to attract people to Dorset and Swanage in particular.
Paul attended an Arts Council Funding Seminar and he would like a meeting at the Quarr Gallery to hand over information. Purbeck was described as an ideal area for attracting funds, giving us and ideal opportunity.
8. Future Meetings / Socials
The next Open Mic will be on Tuesday 20th March at 7.30.
Jem Maine at the Study Gallery is very keen to support Strata and would like to come and talk to us re: regional arts development, Nick will arrange this.
Wendy announced the Poetry Day at the Study Gallery on the 9th May and Reghu will be there.
9. Any Other Business
No other business.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 4th April 2007 at 7.30 pm at the Quarr Gallery

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